Cruz: Anthony Kennedy should quit the Supreme Court

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz believes Justice Anthony Kennedy should quit the Supreme Court immediately.

Cruz, who ranks third in the Washington Examiner's most recent GOP presidential power rankings, said on the "Steve Deace Show" that Kennedy's opinion in the Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which sanctioned gay marriages nationwide, showed the justice's arrogance, hubris and contempt for the Democratic process.

"Is there a point where these rulings, statements become so, not just unconstitutional, anti-constitutional, that resignation, impeachment is in line for these judges?" Deace asked.

"Of course Justice Kennedy should resign," Cruz said. "In the wake of the Supreme Court's lawless decisions on Obamacare and marriage, I publicly called for a constitutional amendment subjecting Supreme Court justices to periodic retention elections just like you have in the state of Iowa."