'Clock Kid' meets with genocidal Sudanese president

"Clock Kid" Ahmed Mohamed and his family met with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. Al-Bashir is a wanted war criminal, charged with genocide, crimes against humanity, and various financial crimes by the International Criminal Court.

The Texas teenager who made waves last month in a misunderstanding with police that caused some to cry racism arrived in the capital city of Khartoum for a private meeting with President al-Bashir, the dissident, Paris-based Sudan Tribune reports.

The United States has listed Sudan as a state sponsor of terrorism since 1993, and barred American businesses from commercial activity there since 1997.

Mohamed's father is a Sudanese immigrant to the United States, who actually once ran against al-Bashir for the presidency.

In September, Mohamed constructed as clock device that teachers and Dallas authorities mistook for an explosive. Since then, the handling of that case has been the subject of controversy. In addition to his trip to Sudan, Mohamed was invited to Washington by President Obama, Palo Alto by Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg, and was lauded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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