Clinton, top Dems take contributions from lobbyists at firms hired by Koch Industries

Hillary Clinton at speaking event in Coral Gables, Florida. (Photo by Joe Raedelle/Getty Images)

Top Democratic politicians and committees have taken tens of thousands in contributions from individuals who work at firms that lobby on behalf of Koch Industries, despite railing against Koch’s influence for years, according to campaign finance filings.

Charles and David Koch, the billionaire libertarian philanthropists and heavyweight political donors, have been at the center of the Democrats’ “dark money” campaign finance battle in recent years. Democrats have charged that Republican politicians who receive funds from the Koch network are “beholden” to their political agenda.

However, individuals who work at firms that actually do represent Koch interests have also poured money into the coffers of Democrats, many of whom have long been openly critical of the expansive Koch network, such as Hillary Clinton and Sen. Harry Reid (D., Nev.).

Clinton, who received $3,500 from Koch Industries in 2008, as recently as Feb. 3 chastised the Koch brothers during a Democratic town hall, claiming they “want to rig the economy so they continue to get richer and richer” and that Republican politicians do their “bidding.” Clinton hascollected more than $4 million in bundled lobbyist contributions since launching her campaign.

Read more at The Washington Free Beacon

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