Clinton goes 'toxic' in Nevada, meets with Britney Spears

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met pop star Britney Spears this week while campaigning across Nevada in the final days before the state's Democratic caucus this Saturday.

Spears has starred in her own show at the Planet Hollywood casino in Las Vegas since 2013 and was eager to share pictures of her run-in with the 2016 White House hopeful late Thursday evening.

"Such an inspiration and beautiful voice for women around the world!!! This woman had an intense presence and I felt very honored to meet her!!!" Spears later said of Clinton on Instagram.

Nevertheless, Spears stopped short of fully endorsing the Democratic hopeful. According to ABC News, the pop music singer first included the Clinton campaign's #ImWithHer hashtag in her caption on Instagram, but later deleted it.

Clinton is currently locked in a tight race with opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in Nevada with just 24 hours left to go until the Democratic presidential caucus on Saturday. A CNN/ORC poll released Wednesday showed the two 2016 hopefuls separated by just one percentage point – Clinton at 48 percent support and Sanders at 47 percent.