Clinton celebrates 68th birthday on the trail

Hillary Clinton celebrates her 68th birthday Monday, making her the second oldest candidate in the race on either side. Her rival Bernie Sanders is 74.

Clinton campaign surrogates, such as Bill and Chelsea Clinton, have have taken advantage of this milestone by sending fundraising emails touting the Democratic front-runner's birthday and asking for $1, $5 and $10 donations to "celebrate." Yet none of these emails mentioned Clinton's age.

"Some women don't like to discuss their ages, but I think that on your birthday, you should live it up! This year, I'm excited to celebrate the fact that I'm running to be the youngest woman ever to be President of the United States," one such fundraising email from the candidate read.

Clinton celebrated in New York City on Sunday night at an event with donors. Musicians such as Demi Lovato and John Legend attended, and prior to the event Clinton said she "might event dance and we're all going to have a great time!"