Clinton beats Sanders again, this time on platform

Bernie Sanders got more representatives on the Democratic platform committee than any losing candidate for the presidential nomination in recent memory and is continuing his campaign largely in order to have influence on that document.

So how did he do? Based on the draft version of the platform that was released Friday night before the July 4th weekend, the results were mixed at best.

There was a big win for Sanders on the $15 an hour minimum wage, a proposal that is controversial on the basis of economics but popular with voters. There was also plenty of progressive rhetoric in the document that contained nearly twelves times as many references to Donald Trump as to God (though the Trump mentions were far more negative).

But the proposed platform largely sidesteps the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal Hillary Clinton once supported but moved toward Sanders in opposing in its current form. The language on Israel, while out of place for a Republican platform, reflects Clinton's position more than Sanders'.