CIA source revealed in new Clinton email

Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, released an email Sunday from a former adviser to Hillary Clinton after the CIA cleared the document for release late Saturday evening.

The email, which was sent to Clinton by Sidney Blumenthal, a close confidante, indicates the former secretary of State forwarded a memo that contained the identity of a CIA source.

"[T]he name of the alleged source was redacted from the material cleared for public release by someone in the Executive Branch – the fact that the CIA says it didn't do it does not mean the material was not sensitive or classified," Gowdy wrote in a letter Sunday to Rep. Elijah Cummings, the select committee's top Democrat. "And in fact, additional information remains in the document that ordinarily would be considered highly sensitive. This appears to mean either Mr. Blumenthal conveyed false and unreliable information to Secretary Clinton about Libya and misrepresented it, or the review process is faulty or has been politicized."

The email in question discussed the apparent surprise Muammar Gadhafi, then the dictator of Libya, felt after the United Nations authorized the use of force against Gadhafi's troops. Blumenthal told Clinton that Gadhafi had dispatched representatives to Syria and Yemen in an effort to encourage the Arab League to stay out of Western-driven attacks on Libya.