Carson, Fiorina are the most liked presidential candidates

Ben Carson is the most liked presidential candidate, according to a new poll.

Roughly 42 percent of the general population surveyed said they had a favorable view of the Republican presidential candidate, while just 21 percent did not, a net positive rating of 21 percent, according to the results of Gallup's daily tracking poll. Donald Trump is the least liked, with a net negative rating of 22 percent.

In a distant second place is former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who has a net positive rating of 6 percent (28 percent positive and 22 percent negative.) She's followed in third by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who has a positive 5 percent rating. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Ohio Gov. John Kasich both have a positive 4 percent rating.

When it comes to negative ratings, Trump is the clear leader with his negative 22 percent rating, and he's followed by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has a negative 10 percent rating (28 percent positive to 38 percent negative).