Carson claims evidence to back his Yale story

Ben Carson pushed back Sunday against allegations that an anecdote relayed in his 1990's memoir Gifted Hands about a class called "Perceptions 301" was untrue. In the book, Carson said he was named the most "honest" student in the class after being the only student to pass a character-based final exam, and had his picture taken in the Yale Daily News. Some media outlets are now calling that into question, and claiming they were unable to find such a picture when they contacted Yale, and that there was no class by that name.

"Today, the Wall Street Journal comes out, we're questioning this psychology course you took, we can't find any evidence of it," Carson said to George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week" Sunday. "I wonder why, with all their investigative abilities, they can't find it. We found it. And we're going to be putting it out. We found the newspaper article in the Yale Daily News. Why can we find it, and they can't find it?"

Carson, who sits in second in the Washington Examiner's presidential power rankings, was pressed by Stephanopoulos to explain further.

"We found the whole article about the whole scam — it wasn't a scam, it was a parody. But we found it," Carson said. "And the course, I guess it's called Psychology 10," apparently conceding that he was mistaken in calling the course "Perceptions 301" in Gifted Hands.