Bush attacks Obama-Clinton foreign policy

Hillary Clinton would be President Obama's third term, says Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush.

In an op-ed published in the Concord Monitor, the former Florida governor laid out his national security agenda and warned that the former secretary of state would continue Obama's "reckless defense cuts and a failed lead-from-behind foreign policy."

Bush called Clinton "the architect of the Obama foreign policy," resulting in a failed reset with Russia, an erosion on American influence and credibility around the world and the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the Benghazi consulate in Libya that left four Americans dead. Clinton also launched what would become the Iran nuclear agreement which will result in an influx of $100 billion funding to terrorist activities backed by Tehran, Bush said. U.S. military superiority is in jeopardy due to aging equipment "not worthy of a great nation," Bush added, blaming the defense cuts.

"The question facing Republican voters is who has the proven leadership abilities and a plan we can execute to rebuild our military, repair our alliances around the world and once again strike fear in the hearts of our enemies," said Bush.

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