Bolton: Trump should 'tear up' the Iran nuclear deal

Iran's ongoing tests of ballistic missiles has shown that Iran is in no mood to comply with the United Nations, and justifies a decision by President Trump to "tear up" the Iran nuclear deal, according to former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton.

Bolton, who Trump was considering for secretary of state during the transition, said new sanctions and tougher talk from Trump won't be enough to curb Iran's actions.

"Iran's continued missile testing on Saturday has given President Trump one more reason to tear up his predecessor's deal with the regime in Tehran," he wrote in the Wall Street Journal.

Bolton called the Iran deal "diplomatic malpractice," and noted that the Iran nuclear agreement is an annex to a UN resolution that includes another annex that simply says Iran is "called upon" not to engage in any activity related to ballistic missiles that are "designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons."