Bobby Jindal: I attacked Trump, and his polls went down

strong>Boulder, Colo. — Donald Trump says every candidate who has attacked him has fallen in the polls. But moments after the undercard debate here in Colorado, Bobby Jindal said that in fact Trump's ratings have fallen after being attacked by Jindal.

"Look, Donald Trump, since we started attacking him, his numbers in Iowa have gone down," Jindal told reporters after the debate. "He's peaked in Iowa. And according to the last NBC poll, we're in the top five. We've actually gone up in Iowa."

"Since we've gone after [Trump], he's started going down in Iowa, and we've gone up in Iowa," Jindal said.

A reporter asked if Jindal, who currently has 0.2 percent in the RealClearPolitics average of polls, actually believes Trump has gone down because Jindal attacked him.