Blackburn: CDC must answer charge that it misinterpreted school reopening data

Researchers said CDC is hurting children by making school reopening more difficult

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., joined "America Reports" on Wednesday and demanded answers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention after scientists accused it of misinterpreting their research on school reopenings.

SEN. MARSHA BLACKBURN: What we would like to know is how they parsed this information, because it appears that what the CDC did was to go into the research and say, OK, we have a narrative that we need to meet. We need to make certain that we are following what the teachers unions want to have happen, which is to keep the schools closed to keep children out of the classrooms ...

So in order to protect their credibility, these four scientists came together. They wrote the op-ed for USA Today to present their side of the story to show that it is safe, indeed for children to go back into the classroom. Children are not responsible for spread. By and large there is little transmission that is coming from children ... I really give the scientists a lot of credit for standing up, protecting their body of work, protecting their reputations and setting the record straight as to exactly what their research found and showing how the CDC manipulated that data ...


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