Axelrod: DNC putting 'finger on the scale' in favor of Clinton

Democratic operative David Axelrod took to social media Friday evening to denigrate the Democratic National Committee for tipping the balance of the presidential nomination race in Hillary Clinton's favor.

The former senior strategist for President Obama's re-election campaign tweeted out that it was a "harsh penalty" for the DNC to revoke access to Democratic Party voter data to Bernie Sanders after it was revealed that his campaign illicitly viewed data from the Clinton campaign.

Axelrod said that the DNC is "putting [its] finger on the scale" in favor of Clinton, who is the Democratic front-runner by far.

He called the DNC's judgement to be "disproportional," and added that the DNC's reaction actually lets the Sanders team "off the hook for their own stupidity."

"If I were @HillaryClinton, I'd would have much preferred to see @BernieSanders campaign stew in its own juices," he concluded.

This isn't the first time Axelrod has dinged Clinton's campaign.

In September, Axelrod mocked the Clinton's new campaign strategy to "show more humor and heart," according to a report by the New York Times.