Activists 'die' in front of oil group's headquarters to protest climate change

On a cramped sidewalk in downtown Washington D.C., hundreds of people imitated their own deaths to send a message to the oil industry group in the black office building in front of them.

It was one of about 200 actions nationwide on People Climate Movement's National Day of Action, a followup to last year's march in New York City. The activists are looking to call attention to climate change, which most scientists blame on the greenhouse gases created by the burning of fossil fuels.

The protest in the nation's capital was an example of many locally focused actions around the country, which included kayaking down a river in Missouri and marches on Chase Manhattan Bank and Rep. Keith Rothfus' office in Pittsburgh.

Organizer Paul Getsos said it was important to have a local flair to each of the protests.

"It was really important for us to be driven by what local organizations wanted to do and bring people into one space under one banner into the streets," he said.