Meet President Obama's disastrous political twin -- New York Mayor Bill de Blasio

When a politician denounces politics, you know he’s feeling the heat. When that politician is Bill de Blasio and he aims his ire at charter schools, the media and taxpayers, you know his brain is stuck in reverse.

Ending the worst week of his mayoralty — his next good week will be his first — de Blasio got poll-whacked, with his job-approval rating sinking to 39 percent. Only black New Yorkers give him even 50 percent, and he’s under a majority in each of the five boroughs, according to the Wall Street Journal/WNBC/Marist survey.


If this were a marriage, talk of divorce would ruin the honeymoon.

Polls can change almost as quickly as the weather, but de Blasio’s problem has nothing to do with snowstorms. It’s his strikingly bad judgment and unappealing style of leadership.

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His habit of lecturing and his belief that talking is the same as doing make him a twin of President Obama. Think of them as “Oblasio.”

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