It’s not Bernie Sanders holding the Democrats back -- it’s Obama

President Barack Obama speaks at Cooper Union in New York April 22, 2010.

Politics has become so mindless I’m almost ready to watch soccer. On the left, Trump is the root of all evil. On the right, the pro-Trumpers mostly just repeat themselves. So to make things more interesting, let a Trump supporter tell you how the Democrats can win an election.

Spoiler: It’s not Bernie Sanders holding the party back; it’s Barack Obama.

I know at this moment, it looks pretty hopeless. I don’t think socialism is the ticket, or open borders either. And the “Abolish ICE” crowd makes it seem as if the party of FDR and JFK has a death wish.

But the wheel turns and somehow yesterday’s big loser eventually ends up on top. In Britain, you have the impossible Jeremy Corbyn, but faced with a feckless Theresa May, Corbyn’s Labor Party nearly won the last election. So anything can happen.

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