If they want to keep their jobs, Democrats should ditch Obama now

The most important poll is one most people missed. A Quinnipiac survey that came out the day before Thanksgiving made no news, but it could signal that a Democratic apocalypse is taking shape.

The survey found President Obama’s job approval in Ohio falling to 34 percent, his lowest score in any Q-poll ever. It found a whopping 61 percent disapprove of his performance.

Even worse, Ohio voters say, by 57– 39 percent, that Obama is not honest or trustworthy. Hide the silverware -- the president is coming to town!

He also hit a new low of 36 percent approval in Colorado last month.

ObamaCare and his lies about it are driving the numbers downhill. Only 35 percent in Ohio approve of the law, while just 16 percent tell Quinnipiac they expect their personal health care will be better a year from now. Some 45 percent say it will be worse.

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    “This is a state considered to be a national bellwether where he got 51 percent of the vote just 12 months ago,” poll director Peter Brown said. He noted that only 27 percent of white voters, along with 83 percent of black voters, approve of Obama’s performance.

    In other words, the bottom is falling out and there’s no floor in sight. Continuing headlines about people losing their insurance and doctors, and paying more for less coverage, should lead Democratic candidates to abandon him before next year’s elections.

    Or, dopey Dems who supported ObamaCare could be seduced by happy talk to stick with him. In that case, they ought to prepare to be unemployed.

    Which is exactly what they deserve.

    To continue reading Michael Goodwin's column in the New York Post, click here.

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