
By Steve CrowderComedian

There, I said it. I can appreciate someone's creativity, I can appreciate someone's work ethic, I can appreciate someone's mental fortitude, but I cannot (and shouldn't be required to) appreciate someone's sexuality. Call me old-fashioned, but I don't believe that somebody's sexual preferences should define them. The fact that I like women, doesn't determine who I am as a man... My principles do. Am I so wrong as to think that the same litmus test should apply across the board?

So we all know about the "Perez Hilton -- Miss U.S.A" fiasco. Perez carried out a low-down, dirty trick by asking a political question (a practice from which the judges are strictly forbidden) in regards to Proposition 8.

Now Perez could have chosen from a multitude of more appropriate questions to ask, yet (as always), it comes back to some sort of question about sexuality.

To read Steve Crowder's complete post on Big Hollywood,click here.