Mike Pompeo advises Biden on how to deal with Russia

Pompeo said Biden needs to 'reestablish deterrence'

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Sean Hannity Tuesday that Biden needs to reestablish deterrence regarding Russia, and demand our European allies "do exactly the same thing."

MIKE POMPEO: Whether it was Crimea or Abkhazia or the other places, Putin has taken little chunks of sovereign nations. It'll continue to happen so long as the United States is on its back foot and the sanctions I've seen so far… One of the two banks they sanctioned, a Bank called VEB, was already under sanctions. I promise you, Putin saw that and what he reads in that is green light. These folks aren't going to take this seriously. And unfortunately, this impacts people at home. We're going to have higher gasoline prices because they've shut down our energy. And now Russia will make a fortune off of high gas prices. This is bad for Americans all across the country. President Biden needs to get back out in front of this, reestablish deterrence and demand that our European partners do exactly the same thing.


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