Ashley Graham's Windex spray tan trick is 'damaging,' dermatologist says

Ashley Graham shared a beauty trick on Instagram Sunday that dermatologists are warning against. (Reuters)

Ashley Graham shared a beauty trick on Instagram Sunday, using a Windex-soaked paper towel to scrub away the streaks left by a recent spray tan.

But while the model’s “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”inspired hack appeared to fix her glow, Dr. Whitney Bowe, an NYC dermatologist and author of “The Beauty of Dirty Skin,” says you shouldn’t try it at home.

“It’s a definite ‘no’ in my book,” Bowe told Page Six. “Windex is comprised of several very harsh and irritating ingredients, including fragrances, dyes and ammonia, as well as very powerful detergents and solvents.”

Because of its disinfecting properties, Bowe explained, the cleaning solution will also kill off the skin’s healthy bacteria. “You’re basically damaging the skin barrier,” she said. “Not only can it cause inflammation and irritation, but if it’s your go-to remedy, it can also lead to eczema and other major skin issues down the road. I would absolutely avoid it.”

There are plenty of safe methods for fixing runny self-tanner, like creating your own sugar-based scrub.

“I have my own recipe that’s very simple to make at home,”

Ashle she said. “It’s half a cup of brown sugar and half a cup of either coconut, olive or almond oil. Mix them together, and use it to exfoliate any streaky areas. You can even mix yogurt — which is loaded with healthy probiotics to restore the good bacteria on your skin — with honey and avocado, spread that on the area and let it sit for 10 minutes before you use the scrub. The lactic acid will act as a gentle exfoliant.”

Oil-based makeup remover or even baby oil, Bowe added, would also work — and, unlike Windex, are completely skin-safe.

This article originally appeared on the New York Post.

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