63-year-old grandma pole dances to stay fit

A 63-year-old grandma took up pole dancing to stay fit (iStock)

She has abs of steel, can hang upside down from a stripper pole and performs in burlesque shows. And she’s 63 years old!

When Lyn Dellavedova walked into her first pole-dancing class seven years ago, she nearly turned back around.

“All the girls were so young — I felt ancient,” the Victoria, Australia-based great-grandmother tells Metro. “But the teacher made me feel really welcome, and it was so much fun.”

Now she can perform all sorts of crazy tricks.

“Being able to do moves that girls three times younger than me can do makes me feel so good,” she says.

Dellavedova says that despite her initial hesitation, the salacious exercise has boosted her self-confidence and improved her core. For her 60th birthday, she even performed a Roaring ’20s-inspired routine for her friends and family. “My three grandchildren were really impressed with their cool nan,” she tells Metro.

She even has her own Facebook fan page, where she posts photos of some of her showgirl getups, and plans another ambitious routine for her 70th birthday.

“You’re never too old to try anything in life,” she tells Metro. “I’d say to people, ‘Just go for it.’ ”

This article originally appeared in the New York Post

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