Your age-fighting (noncrazy) liquid diet

These six drinks fight aging. See what they are and when to down them.

1. Water

When to Drink: At the Alarm

Hydrating will help beat that groggy feeling and make your skin look its glowy best (both now and later in life), Dr. David E. Bank, a dermatologist in Mount Kisco, New York, said.

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2. Coffee


When to Drink: At Breakfast

Coffee may help your heart and (if you take it black) metabolism, and it reduces risk for some types of cancer, studies show.

3. Green Tea


When to Drink: At Lunch

Sip tea. Green kick-starts metabolism and can help fend off breast cancer, Dr. Jonathan R. Cole, medical director of the California Health and Longevity Institute, said. Black may lower blood pressure, research from the University of Western Australia suggests.

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4. Hot Cocoa

Cocoa powder on an old silver spoon, on rough wooden surface.

When to Drink: P.M. Snack

Hot cocoa (have it over ice if you can't take the heat) has more antioxidants than does coffee, red wine or green tea, a study from Cornell University reveals. Great for your heart and skin.

5. Red Wine

When to Drink: At Dinner

Enjoy a glass of red wine: Piceatannol, a compound your body makes when you drink vino, could stunt fat-cell growth (woot!), the Journal of Biological Chemistry reports.

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6. Milk


When to Drink: Before Bed

Grab milk—your skeleton will love the calcium, and your muscles will love the protein. You'll wake up even stronger.