Walking workouts: Simple agility boosting moves

Improve your agility and make workouts more effective with these easy-to-do exercises.


Bouncing off balls of feet, skip straight ahead or slightly out to the left, then right (moving back and forth across path). Pump arms and lift knees for an invigorating effect.

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Side Shuffles

Turn to right and shuffle sideways, leading with left foot followed by right. Stay low, with knees bent and arms extended in front of chest. After about 15 seconds, switch sides, leading with right foot.

Switchback Walk

If exercising in a hilly area, walk diagonally up hills, moving across them to the left and then to the right, as if traversing a steep trail.

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Side Step-Ups

Stand with left side facing a curb (or set of stairs). Cross right foot over left leg, stepping up onto curb. Step down with left foot, then right, and repeat. Do 8 to 12 step-ups on each side.


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Imagine standing in the center of a clock. Step right foot to 12 o’clock, landing in a lunge (knees bent about 90 degrees), then step back to center. Repeat, stepping right foot to 1, 2 and 3 o’clock (landing in a side squat), then back to 6 o’clock. Repeat with left foot, stepping to 12, 11, 10, 9 and 6 o’clock.

Grapevine Combo

Cross right foot over left, then step left foot to left, landing in a side squat. As you stand, lift right leg and arm out to side. Lower and repeat 8 to 12 times per side.

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Sidewalk Hops

Stand with left side facing a line or crack in a sidewalk. Jump both feet over line and then back again. Repeat 7 times. Next, lift right foot and hop left foot over line and back again. Turn to right and hop on right foot over line and back again. Repeat 7 times.

Side-Leg Lift Jumps

Stand with left side facing curb or stairs. Jump up on curb, landing with left foot and lifting right foot out to side; step down with right foot, then left. Do 8 to 12 times per side.

Around-The-Clock-Lunges with Leaf Pickup

Do around-the-clock lunges, but with each lunge, lift back leg and lean forward, as if picking a leaf off the ground.


Turn to right. Cross right foot over left, then step left with left foot. Repeat 5 times, then switch directions, crossing left foot over right and stepping right with right foot.

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