The diet foods that health experts really eat

The good-for-you staples, snacks, and treats that health experts are really eating—plus, how you add them to your diet.

1. Frozen Grapes

(Copyright©2010 Robert Linton)

“If I crave ice cream at night, I have a handful of these instead,” said Lacey Stone, a fitness professional in New York City. “They’re so sweet, they do the job.”

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2. Almond Butter

“When I need a boost after a workout, I’ll eat a small spoonful right out of the jar,” said Kathy Kaehler, a fitness expert in Los Angeles. A bonus: Studies show that eating almonds can help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Greek Yogurt

“It’s one of my favorite foods,” said Yvonne Castaneda, a fitness manager at the Sports Club/LA, in Miami, who eats it with berries, honey, and almonds. Plain Greek yogurt is generally higher in protein and lower in sugar than regular yogurt, so it helps keep blood sugar stable and staves off a midmorning crash.

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4. Salmon


“The healthy fats help me focus and perform better,” said Tiffany Boucher, a trainer at Equinox in New York City. “I’ll put a few fillets in a Ziploc Zip’n Steam bag, throw it in the microwave, and have dinner for several nights—no need to prep food after a long workday.”

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5. Apples

“I eat one almost every day,” said Michael Kaplan, a doctor of osteopathic medicine and the chief medical officer of the Center for Medical Weight Loss, headquartered in Tarrytown, New York. They’re full of fiber and antioxidants and may help reduce your risk of developing colon and liver cancers. “A Brazilian study even found that eating three apples daily may aid in weight loss,” said Kaplan.

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6. Unsalted Nuts


“I stash them in my bag, my car—they’re great for on-the-go,” said Sara Haley, a trainer in Los Angeles, who likes nuts for their protein and good fats. They can help lower cholesterol, and one study showed that walnuts in particular have strong antioxidant benefits. Haley buys them in single-serving packets at Whole Foods to keep portions in check: “Even healthy calories can add up.”

Click here for more diet foods that health experts really eat from Real Simple.