A 17-year-old British girl with a rare brain condition is able to live a normal life after a surgery that allows her to digest her own brain fluid, The Daily Mail reported.
Melissa Peacock of Bradford, England, was diagnosed with intracranial hypertension at 9-years-old. The overabundance of spinal fluid in her skull pushed down on her brain and caused her extreme migraines and blurred vision. Nine operations to try and remove the fluid were all unsuccessful.
Doctors decided the only solution for Melissa was a drastic surgery, which would imbed a tube in her brain that drained her excess fluid directly into her stomach, where it is digested with all the food she consumes.
Melissa admits she was unsure of the operation, but decided a possible cure for her would be worth it.
“My friends think the fact that I digest fluid from my brain is a bit weird - but my quality of life is so much better since I had the shunt put in place, I don't care,” she said. “The pain was just unbearable at times, so I agreed to go ahead with the operation.”
Now Melissa doesn’t experience any pain and is looking forward to her future without any health complications.
“I am studying photography at college now, and hope I can go on to live a life that isn't controlled by my condition,” she said.