Jessica Alba dishes on balance, exercise and fashion

Jessica Alba (Courtesy Reuters)

Jessica Alba is one busy woman.

This year alone she's starring in both Escape From Planet Earth (out in February), and in Sin City 2 (projected to come out in October). She also just published a book, The Honest Life.

And she is co-owner of The Honest Company, an online retailer that sells non-toxic family products. Not to mention: wife, mother of two, fashion icon. All around inspiration.

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Women's Health had the opportunity to speak with Jessica about what she's been up to.


Below is the Q&A, edited for space.

Q: Tell us about The Honest Company.
A: The concept came when I was pregnant with my first daughter, and I couldn't find a brand that I could trust, and there are companies out there that are doing good things and they have better practices than conventional brands. As far as one brand that did it well across the board, though, it just didn't exist. And I felt like it's easier for families to have one brand out there that they know and can trust to have higher quality products without toxic chemicals.

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Q: How has becoming a mom changed the way you think?
A: Not that I used to be completely selfish, but there is certainly a selfishness that you innately have when you don't have to think about anyone but yourself. But when there's someone else affected by your actions, who exists because you chose to put them here, it just makes you think twice about everything.

Q: You've got so much on your plate. How do you manage to do it all?
A: Prior to having kids, my priorities were in building my career—it was all about my career, really. It was kind of my everything. I didn't have a lot of balance. I would often not have birthdays or holidays, or spend any time, like my whole life just revolved generally around work. And now my priorities lie in my family and in my friends, and I've been able since I took some time off with my first, to cultivate relationships that I never had before, and friendships. I'm a better daughter now, and a better sister.

Q: What are some of your stay-sane tricks? You're so busy and active—how do you keep it together?
You know, spending time with my kids kind of does take all the stress away, weirdly. I'm in the moment with them. They make me so happy, they're pure joy. I know they're not going to be little forever, so I really soak up as much as I possibly can with them. That's kind of how I de-stress.

Q: Do you have a favorite workout or type of exercise?
I like doing dance classes. That's fun. Like hip hop class, mixed with like core pilates-type exercises.

And when I'm in New York, I like to do some spinning classes, group classes, Flywheel is a place I like to go. And sometimes I do sprint intervals just because I hate working out. Anything where I have to do something but I can get my mind off of doing it, that's so much better for me than anything that's repetitive. Or the music has to be loud and I have to be moving.

Q: You've become a total fashion icon. Do you have any fashion icons that YOU look up to?
I've always loved Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelley, because they're timeless and chic. And I love Kate Moss, because she's rock n roll, and I'm a bit of a nerd about it. Daria, the cartoon character on TV, is also one of my fashion icons.

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