Gain Strength at Work

In today's busy world, it can be difficult to find the time to get into the gym. Fortunately if you're creative in your approach, you can bring the gym to you and get in great shape without leaving the office.

If you have 10 or 20 minutes to get in a quick workout during your lunch hour, close the door and get started. All of the following exercises will help strengthen your body, increase your muscular endurance and reshape your physique.

By doing the workout on your lunch hour, you can rev your metabolism for the rest of the day rather than just seeing the benefits later on in the evening hours. You may feel as though your coworkers think you're weird, but close the door and draw the blinds if it's a concern for you. Once they see the difference your regular lunch workouts are making to your body, they may just start doing the workout as well.

Alternating leg lift plank
The alternating leg lift plank is great for targeting the hamstrings, the glutes and the abs, and can be performed right on the floor of your office.

Get down into a standard plank position with your legs extended and your back in a flat position, then lift one leg off the ground.

Hold for 10-15 seconds, and then repeat on the other side.

Continue for 3-4 rounds, doing 2-3 sets per session.

One-foot traveling push-up
To work the upper body and add more punch to your standard push-up, try the one-foot traveling push-up exercise. This again should be done in the center of your office on the floor.

Begin in a standard push-up position, then lift one foot up off the floor and cross it over the other. From there, lower yourself down and complete the push-up. Once that rep is completed, move your arm as far sideways as you can, then follow it with the other hand.

Stop once again, this time crossing the other leg behind the supporting leg and perform your second push-up. Move back to the other direction for the next rep.

Aim for 10-12 reps per set, doing 2 sets per workout.


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Wall squat hold
To build up your leg endurance, the wall squat hold is the perfect solution. For this one you want to find an empty wall somewhere in your office and then lower yourself down into the squat position. Once your knees are at a 90-degree angle with the lower back pressed into the wall, hold for 30-60 seconds.

Come up to rest, and then repeat a second and third time through.

Tricep dips with legs elevated
To target the backs of the arms, you'll turn to tricep dips with the legs elevated. The usual tricep dip is a great tricep strength-builder, but by raising your legs off the floor and positioning them on a chair, you up the challenge that this exercise provides.

To perform it, place your hands on the edge of an office chair, table or desk, and then place your feet up in front of you so your body and legs are at 90 degrees on a chair, table or desk as well.

From there, bend at the elbows to lower your body down as far as you can go, pause for a second at the bottom, and then press back up to complete the rep.

Aim for 15-20 reps per set, doing 2-3 sets per session.

Single leg squat
Finally, don't overlook the single leg squat for building up strength, balance and agility. Many guys think this won't be a challenge since it doesn't have you lifting enough weight, but give it a try before you make that judgment call.

Get into a standing position in the center of your office, and then lift one leg up off the floor and position it about two feet above the ground.

From there, begin to squat all the way down until your butt is almost touching the ground (while keeping your hands from touching the floor). Pause for a second at the bottom, and then press up using just your quad, hamstring and glute strength to drive the movement.

Perform 5-10 reps per leg, and then switch sides and repeat.

So there you have some of the top movements you can perform without any equipment to build strength and get in a short workout without leaving your office. If you can do this three times per week or on days when you just can't make it to the gym, you should be able to maintain your current strength level, if not grow stronger.

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