Father blames hospital after baby born in waiting room dies

An investigation was underway Saturday into the death of a baby who was born in a hospital waiting room in England's East Midlands region.

Steven Yorke and his partner Sara Proud went to Leicester Royal Infirmary on Sunday night when Proud realized she was in labor.

When they arrived, they were told to wait in a side room with other expectant parents.

But 80 minutes later, baby Kyle was born while Yorke was trying to find help.

When two midwives did come to assist, the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck.

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Kyle was quickly delivered and rushed off in the hope of being revived, but those attempts were unsuccessful.

Yorke told Sky News, "It's numbing. We're not sleeping well, we're not eating well The slightest thing and we'll cry. Sara's not left the house at all.

"It's affected the children in a big way. What can you say? They've let us down. I actually believe they neglected us -- they didn't give us the care we deserve and that's purely it."

Even after the birth, Proud was left to deliver the placenta in the waiting room and only realized Kyle had died when Yorke told her what had happened.

Leicester Royal Infirmary has admitted that mistakes were made.

The family is now waiting for autopsy results that will reveal whether Kyle could have been saved with better care.

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