Diabetes myths: What you need to know

Myth: If I have diabetes, I won’t be able to  eat my favorite foods anymore

Truth: No single food or food category is off-limits, but just like everyone else, you need to eat a balanced diet and be mindful of calories.

Balancing your meals doesn’t have to be tricky. Just follow this simple strategy based on guidelines from the American Diabetes Association, illustrated by this dinner plate diagram.

Fill one half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables such as green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, spinach or lettuce. Divide the remaining half of the plate in two. Fill one section with starchy foods such as whole grain bread, potatoes, oatmeal or brown rice. In the other goes a protein such as meat, fish, eggs or low-fat cheese. Round it out with an 8-ounce glass of nonfat or low-fat milk (or 6 ounces of plain yogurt) and a piece of fruit or 1/2 cup of fruit salad.


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Did you know… you don’t need to go low-carb?
Our bodies need carbohydrates for energy, so severely restricting or eliminating them isn’t a good idea. Doing so can lead to cravings that might cause you to overeat. To stay healthy, concentrate on nutrient-rich complex carbs such as whole-grain bread and pasta. They have more fiber, which can help prevent after-meal spikes in blood glucose levels.