‘Dead’ girl wakes up in coffin during her own funeral

A 3-year-old girl who was pronounced dead after a fever woke up a day later — in a coffin, during her funeral ceremony.

Police confirmed the incredible incident to the Philippine Star , after footage of the child seemingly rising from the dead at the church service in Bayabas went viral over the weekend.

Citing accounts of the girl’s parents, Police Senior Inspector Heidil Teelan said the toddler was taken to a local hospital on Friday after suffering a severe fever.

“During that time, the attending clinic personnel and physician confirmed that the young patient had no more pulse and was clinically dead last Saturday morning about 9 a.m.,” Teelan said.

The grave error was only discovered when a funeral attendee removed the cover of the girl’s coffin and saw her head move.

Teelan said the parents immediately gave the girl water and rushed her to a clinic for a check-up.

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