2-year-old girl walks on new prosthetic legs after lawnmower accident

A toddler whose feet were amputated after her father accidentally backed over her with a riding lawnmower took her first steps on her new prosthetic test legs Monday.

Ireland Nugent has been in a wheelchair and undergone seven surgeries since the April 11 accident. Doctors warned she may be hesitant at first after being fitted for the test legs, but the little girl promptly took off walking as soon as they were on. She fell once, but immediately got back up.

"I'm just speechless and so proud," said her father, Jerry Nugent, who recorded her steps. "She took it over the top ... She's not ever going to hold back. That's my superhero. That's my angel."

The Tampa Bay Times reports Ireland has already become emotionally attached to the legs. When the prosthetist said he would need the test limbs back, the little girl said she wanted to keep them.

Ireland will get to practice with them Monday night in the hotel room before receiving her finished prosthetics Tuesday.

The 2-year-old's father was driving a riding mower up the driveway of their Palm Harbor home when Ireland ran out from a backyard enclosure and got behind him. Her mother motioned for him to stop but he misinterpreted her signals and backed the mower up, running over the toddler.

The toddler's steps on her new legs were taken in front of a crowd of supporters, including a fellow amputee, and neighbor Aly Smith, who is credited with helping to save her life by applying pressure to the wounds.

Ireland's mom, Nicole Nugent said she was flooded with emotions Monday watching her doctor learn to walk again.

"Excited. Scared. Saddened that we even have to be doing this, but at the same time happy that we are able to do this," Nicole said.