Get rid of mosquito bites fast with these simple tricks

Treat mosquito bites with these simple tricks. (iStock)

Mosquitoes are no fun. They swarm you, they bite you and they leave you incredibly itchy. There are plenty of unbelievable hacks to keep mosquitoes at bay. But sometimes despite your best efforts, an itchy bump from the pesky bug surfaces. So what’s a victim to do?

You should definitely try these 11 homemade bug repellents that actually work, so maybe you don’t have to suffer from itchy mosquito bites in the first place.


If a bite happens, itching is soon to follow. This is when you scratch off your skin in a fury of discomfort, right? Not so fast! The first thing NOT to do is scratch the bite, which actually only irritates the skin further, and can lead to infection.

You can try dabbing on some baking soda paste (a bit of water and regular baking soda) to help relieve the itch.

Ice is another noteworthy option for alleviating the discomfort of mosquito bites. It’s something you likely don’t have to go out of your way for, making it a quick fix. You simply apply an ice pack or cube, protected inside a cloth or bag, directly to the bite for about 10 to 15 minutes. The cold is vasoconstricting, meaning it works to reduce the amount of blood flowing to the bite area, therefore reducing swelling and itching. Repeat as needed.


Have some old oatmeal you’re not interested in eating? Instead, put it to good use by making an oatmeal bath to relieve your itchy bite. The oatmeal contains calming properties, lowering the skin’s pH level to soothe the irritation. Simply grind up a cup of rolled oats in a blender until it becomes a powder, then sprinkle into a warm bath and dip in.

If you have an aloe plant, break open a spike and put some of the clear gel on your bite. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, the plant’s gel can help heal minor wounds and sooth irritated skin. No wonder store-bought sunburn gels are full of it.

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