Woman wins year's worth of pizza, donates all to homeless kids

A Michigan woman who was lucky enough to win free pizza for a year from her local Little Caesar’s decided to pay it forward by donating her entire prize to those in need.

According to Inside Edition, 19-year-old Detroit resident Hannah Spooner won the tasty prize earlier this month. The “Pizza for a Year” prize was for $500 worth of the chain’s $5 pizzas, or 100 pizzas for the year. That’s a lot of pizza, but Spooner said she knew right away she could do something special with the pies.

"Detroit is going through a lot of negativity," Spooner told InsideEdition.com. "I wanted somewhere close to home that would be affected by my donation."

So she donated the pizza prize to the Covenant House Michigan, a center for homeless young people.

“They were really happy,” Spooner said after speaking with the non-profit. “I could tell it was actually going to make a difference. Like, I would actually see people who would be benefitted by it.”

Covenant House serves three meals a day as part of its regular work, but organizers say the pizza will be a special and much-appreciated treat.

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"They [the residents] love pizza. They get very excited," Carolyn Millard, the development manager at Covenant House Michigan, told Inside Edition.

Spooner is still working out delivery logistics with the local Little Caesar's and the facility but hopes the kids will get pizza as soon as this week.

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