Terry Bradshaw and Noah Hester's favorite holiday recipes


Glaze Ingredients:

  • 2 cups brown sugar
  • 6 0z Luxardo cherries or other good quality Italian-style maraschinos that are soaked in liquor.  (Not the bright red maraschinos that used in a Shirley Temple)
  • 1 fresh orange
  • ½ oz bitters
  • 8oz Bradshaw Bourbon


1. Blend cherries and juice from one orange until smooth.

2. Place in a small saucepan with bitters, brown sugar and 4oz of bourbon (you will need the remaining 4oz or bourbon for your cocktail)

3. Place on stove at medium high heat and reduce until the consistency of maple syrup (about 15 minutes).

4. Strain through a mesh strainer and let cool to room temperature.

5. Bake your ham according to its instructions on package.

6. Remove from oven 10 minutes before it is done and let cool slightly.

7. Once you can touch it with your hand pour most of the glaze over it and return to the oven for the final 10 minutes of cooking.

8. Once the ham is done cooking, drizzle remaining glaze and garnish with orange zest and whole Luxardo cherries.


Old Fashion Ingredients:

  • 4 oz Bradshaw Bourbon
  • 1 tbsp. Not so Old Fashioned Glaze (as prepared for the ham)
  • Orange twist
  • Luxardo cherries
  • Whole nutmeg


1. Combine glaze and bourbon in a shaker or is a glass and stir.

2. Pour over large ice cube, if available, into a rocks glass.

3. Garnish with cherries and orange twist and with a small micro plane grate nutmeg on the top

Find Bradshaw Bourbon in a store near you at bradshawbourbon.com. Follow @chefnoahhester on Instagram for more recipes.

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