Non-Stick Gum Set to Keep Sidewalks, Carpets Clean


Get excited, Violet Beauregarde.

A "revolutionary" chewing gum worthy of the "Willy Wonka" chomper that is both Earth and parent-friendly was introduced to the world market Monday.

The gum is easily removed from clothing, pavement and carpet using a little bit of water and will biodegrade into a fine powder within six months.

All this, and Rev7 still offers "an excellent taste and long lasting flavor," according to manufacturer Revolymer, which unveiled the product at the U.S. National Association of Convenience Stores Show.

"Revolymer is offering a premium product that will change the chewing gum industry significantly," said Vice President of Sales and Marketing Chris Tamillo. "There is both an appetite for this new brand in the U.S. and a willingness to provide consumers with a product that is better for the environment but does not sacrifice on quality."

Revolymer certainly has its work cut out, as the chewing gum market is the largest in the country, with an estimated 300,000 tons of gum to be sold this year alone.

That amount of gum results in around 120,000 tons of "residual chewing gum cuds" that will remain in the environment, most of which will be removed using conventional street cleaning methods.

"We're seeing enormous enthusiasm from everyone we speak to in the U.S. about the potential of our chewing gum," said company CEO Roger Pettman.

Revolymer hopes to use its technology to develop medicinal and nicotine gums as well as the confectionery gum just launched.

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