Ever wanted to mashup chicken nuggets with a hot dog? Behold the NugDog

Ready to wow family and friends at your Labor Day cookout?

Ditch the grill and head straight to the fryer for the mashup you never knew you wanted—until now.

It’s called the NugDog. From the mind of ICE’s Director of Culinary Development James Briscione, this deep-fried delicacy was inspired by a family favorite recipe.

"My daughter loves chicken nuggets and it’s actually pretty easy to make them at home," says Briscione. "When you do it yourself, you actually know what’s in ‘em."


The NugDog may look like an award-winning state fair food—maybe one day it will be-- but it’s pretty easy to make at home.  Blend up some chicken breast, a not-so-secret blend of herbs and spices, then bathe the whole thing in a simple batter to give it that restaurant quality crispy coating.

Since one nugget is never enough, rolling the pureed chicken mixture into a long log gives hungry guests more to love.

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And we promise the NugDog is as delicious as it looks.

Want to cook like a master chef? Briscione teaches several classes open to the public each season. Snag a spot before it's too late.

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