Who's the Best Comedian Turned Serious Actor?

If you're a fan of goofball Will Ferrell movies like "Blades of Glory" and "Wedding Crashers," his new flick might not be for you.

"Everything Must Go," which hits theaters next month, was a Toronto Film Festival selection -- in other words, if you want to see Ferrell play yet another moron, you're better off sticking with Netflix. 

SODAHEAD SLIDESHOW: See the comedians who've become successful serious actors.

The film is about an alcoholic who decides to sell all of his possessions after he's laid off from his job.

And while it has a touch of comedy, it's closer in spirit to Ferrell's first stab at a "serious" role, "Stranger Than Fiction," for which he received a Golden Globe nomination in 2006.

Let us know: Who's the best comedian turned "serious" actor?

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