White House gate crasher Salahi sues wife for $50M

White House party crasher Tareq Salahi is suing his wife, claiming she had an affair with a Journey guitarist as part of a calculated attempt to make money for herself and the band at his expense.

The $50 million lawsuit was filed Monday in Virginia. Tareq Salahi says Michaele Salahi's actions have ruined him "physically, emotionally and financially."

The Northern Virginia Daily reports that Tareq Salahi accuses his wife of running away with the guitarist in September and "campaigning to show him as a buffoon with respect to that affair and humiliating him."

The Salahis married in 2003, but are now going through a divorce.

Attorneys for both of the Salahis would not comment.

The couple gained notoriety in 2009 when they crashed a White House state dinner.

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