The final meal Prince's chefs prepared for him

Prince performs in Britain in 2007. (Reuters)

Prince was living the good life until his untimely death.

Ray and Juell Roberts of Peoples Organic restaurant were the late music icon's personal chefs. Following his death, the husband-and-wife team opened up to City Pages about what it was like working for a legend, Prince's high expectations and the last meal they ever cooked for him.

Ray said the final meal he prepared Prince was a roasted red pepper bisque and kale salad, though the musician never got the chance to eat it.

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The couple says Prince was a vegetarian -- but not a vegan -- and loved roasted poblano peppers, veggie wraps, Indian food, minestrone soup and desserts. "Some nights that's all he had to eat," Ray said of the cakes and cookies he would whip up.

As for Prince's dislikes, onions, feta cheese and mushrooms were among the banned ingredients.

Ray also shared a funny story about a rare time he was scolded by the renowned perfectionist:

"Once, there was a smudge on the outside of a package in which he had left an overnight meal. When he arrived to work the next day, Prince was in the kitchen waiting. He pointed at the smudge, and simply gave Ray the two-fingers-to-the-eyes 'I'm watching you' gesture."

"I know he really enjoyed my cooking," Ray added of his boss. "It made him really happy. I don't think that [level of satisfaction] was easy for him to get."

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Ray also pointed out that The Purple One had an excellent sense of humor. "Prince was always funny. He had funny interactions," he said. "He was a breath of fresh air. All the people around there have so much joy and life."

Prince was found dead in an elevator at his Paisley Park estate in Chanhassen, Minnesota, on April 21. Law enforcement sources confirmed to CBS News on Wednesday that prescription drugs were found in Prince's possession and at his home at the time of his death.