Sinéad O'Connor laughing at Arsenio Hall's lawsuit

Arsenio Hall has filed a defamation lawsuit against Sinead O'Connor. (Reuters)

Sinéad O’Connor is laughing at Arsenio Hall’s $5 million threat to sue her for accusing him of dealing drugs to Prince.

“I’m more amused than I’ve ever dreamed . . . and look forward very much to how hilarious it will be watching him trying to prove me wrong,” O’Connor posted on Facebook.

“I’m also very happy to notice that the DEA have taken me seriously enough to be thoroughly questioning all of Prince’s friends and aides from the last thirty years as to his KNOWN history of hard drug use and where he obtained his drugs,” she wrote. “I do not like drugs killing musicians. And I do not like Arsenio Hall.

”O’Connor previously blasted Hall as “Prince’s and Eddie Murphy’s bitch.” Hall’s rep didn’t immediately respond.

Click here to read more in the New York Post.