'Sex and the City' star is team Sarah Jessica Parker in feud with Kim Cattrall

Jason Lewis (center) spoke out about the ongoing feud between "Sex and the City" co-stars Kim Cattrall (left) and Sarah Jessica Parker. (Reuters)

The actor who played Samantha’s longest-running boyfriend on "Sex and The City" has weighed in on the Kim Cattrall-Sarah Jessica Parker feud — and what he says may surprise you.

Jason Lewis played Samantha’s hunky model beau Smith Jerrod across 16 episodes of the series and both movies, filming the vast majority of his scenes with Cattrall.

Despite this, the actor has revealed he’s firmly "Team SJP" in the ugly feud between the two stars that’s exploded in recent months, declaring that he has “nothing good to say” about his on-screen lover.

Lewis appeared on KTLA 5 this week to talk about his new film "Half Magic" — but of course, the first thing his interviewer wanted to talk about was the Cattrall-SJP war of words.

"Sex and the City" co-stars from l-r: Kristin Davis, Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon and Kim Cattrall. (Reuters)

“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all,” was Lewis’ initial comment, which is a spectacularly shady way of saying “no comment.”

“Listen, I would have to say that Sarah was always so lovely and such a consummate professional, and I think that people should remember their graciousness and the things that have been given to them, and I’m going to stop there because I’ve got nothing good to say.”

Wow. It’s fair to assume that the “people” Lewis is cagily referring to there is one person in particular, Cattrall — and was it also fair to assume he’s firmly on Parker’s side in the feud?

“I might just have to say yeah, yeah. What a gracious lady; she was always so good to me.”

Sarah Jessica Parker said she was “just heartbroken” when she heard media reports that Cattrall had said they were never friends. (Reuters)

Were other people not so good to you, the interviewer asked?

Sarah was amazing,” he said with a chuckle as he dodged the difficult question.

Long-running rumors of tension between Cattrall and Parker had in recent months erupted into a public war of words — albeit one that was notably one-sided, with Cattrall throwing most of the barbs.

Appearing on "Piers Morgan’s Life Stories," Cattrall said of Parker: “I really think she could have been nicer. I don’t know what her issue is.”

After the death of Cattrall’s brother earlier this month, the actor took to social media to thank fans for their well-wishes. Underneath the post, Parker commented: “Dearest Kim, my love and condolences to you and yours and Godspeed to your beloved brother. Xx.”

The gesture elicited a furious response from Cattrall, who branded her former co-star “cruel” and accused her of “exploiting our tragedy in order to restore your ‘nice girl’ persona,” demanding that she leave her alone from now on.

An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

Parker’s most recent public comment on the spat, in an interview with friend Andy Cohen, was decidedly more measured.

She said she was “just heartbroken” when she heard media reports that Cattrall had said they were never friends.

“I found it very upsetting because that’s not the way I recall our experience. It’s sad, but I always think that what ties us together was this singular experience. It was a professional experience, but it became personal because it was years and years of our lives, so I hope that eclipses anything that’s been recently spoken.”

This article originally appeared on News.com.au.

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