Morrissey reveals cancer battle

British singer-songwriter Morrissey performs. (Reuters)

Morrissey has undergone treatment for cancer.

“They have scraped cancerous tissues from me four times already, but who cares,” the former Smiths frontman said in an interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo. “If I die, then I die. And if not, then I don’t.”

“Right now I feel good,” he continued.” I am aware that in recent photos I look unwell, but that is what illness does. I’m not going to worry about that, I’ll rest when I’m dead.”

While Morrissey, 55,  has had to cancel a number of shows since the beginning of last year because of health issues, this is the first time he’s spoken publicly about cancer, reports the Guardian. The reasons for the cancellations have included a bleeding ulcer, double pneumonia, food poisoning and a respiratory infection.

The musician did not reveal what type of cancer he had been treated for.

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