Miley wants her audience as ‘high’ as she is

It’s just Miley being Miley.

After a few months of relative quiet, the pop star, 21, got in touch with her inner party goddess while performing at Adult Swim’s annual Upfront party at Terminal 5 in Manhattan on Wednesday night.

Clad in sparkling, sheer tights (beneath which, she informed the audience, she forgot to wear underwear), a singlet and butterfly pasties, Cyrus spent a fair amount of her set partaking in — and talking up — the joys of booze and drugs, reports Variety.

“Are you guys drunk yet? Are you guys high yet?” she asked the gathered crowd of network execs and fans. “No? You’re gonna be at a show where I’m dressed as a f–king butterfly and not be high? I’m down to share.”

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    And share she did, as the freshly single pop star took a hit from what appeared to be a comically oversized joint and then passed it around for others to smoke.

    The pop star — who said the network made her “think of country music and drugs” — didn’t just talk about getting wasted. She also debuted a new collaboration with psych rockers Flaming Lips called “Tiger Dreams” and performed covers of Johnny Cash and Led Zeppelin songs.

    Cyrus also took the chance to plug her new philanthropic venture The Happy Hippie Foundation, which seeks to help underprivileged youth.

    “That’s what I’m doing with my foundation Happy Hippie … We are changing the world,” she told the crowd. “We’re in the process of it right now … There is a real world out there, and some people need our help.”

    This story first appeared on Page Six.

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