Lena Dunham calls to remove guns from 'Bourne' ads

Lena Dunham is taking to social media to disarm Jason Bourne.

The actress-producer shared an Instagram post from “Girls” producer Tami Sagher who asked New Yorkers to remove guns from the “Bourne” subway advertisements starring Matt Damon.

“Hey New Yorkers, what if we do some peeling and get rid of the guns in the Jason Bourne subway ads,” Sagher wrote. Dunham later shared the post, writing “Good idea…Let’s go!”

An error occurred while retrieving the Instagram post. It might have been deleted.

Damon, himself, has also spoken out against America’s gun violence in recent weeks. He told the Sydney Morning Herald that the U.S. government could learn a thing or two from Australia.

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“You guys did it here in one fell swoop and I wish that could happen in my country, but it’s such a personal issue for people that we cannot talk about it sensibly. We just can’t,” he said.

“People get so emotional that even when you make a suggestion about not selling AK-47s to people on terror watch lists, that’s a non-starter. I don’t know what needs to happen.”

Universal’s “Bourne,” the fifth movie in the franchise, opens July 29.