Kelly Osbourne: I have the same cancer gene as Angelina Jolie, will have surgeries 'one day'

Shortly after Angelina Jolie revealed she underwent preventive surgery to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes, Kelly Osbourne said that she too carries the BRCA1 gene, putting her at a high risk for both breast and ovarian cancers.

“I actually do have the cancer gene,” Osbourne, 30, said on Tuesday’s episode of her cancer survivor mother Sharon's chat show, “The Talk.” “My mom made all of us go and get tested after she found out she had it and got her double mastectomy.”

“Entertainment Tonight” reported that Osbourne carries the gene mutation BRCA1, specifically.

Jolie, 39, also underwent a preventive double mastectomy two years ago.

Regarding preventive measures, Osbourne said, “I agree with this one hundred percent. I know one day I will eventually have to do it too. If I have children I want to be there to bring them up.”

“I have been the child a child of a cancer survivor and being on that end as well has been really hard to deal with,” Osbourne said. “I’m so lucky to have the brave mother I have.”

Oscar-winning Jolie wrote an op-ed piece in Tuesday’s New York Times in which she said, “It is not easy to make these decisions. I know my children will never have to say, ‘Mom died of ovarian cancer.’”

Jolie’s surgery took place last week.

Jolie’s mother, grandmother and aunt all died of cancer.

This article originally appeared in the New York Post.