Kathy Griffin offers Ryan Seacrest's accuser a job after speaking out

Kathy Griffin offered stylist Suzie Hardy a job after she accused Ryan Seacrest of sexual harassment. (Reuters)

Following allegations that Ryan Seacrest sexually harassed his former personal stylist Suzie Hardy, Kathy Griffin is offering some help.

“Hey Suzie Hardy, I will do for you that which no one did for me after May 30,” Griffin tweeted Sunday night. “After you were brave enough to speak out I’m happy to offer you a job as my stylist to dress me this week for Jimmy Kimmel and Real Time & I’ll PAY you. What ya think? KG.”

The job offer comes weeks after Hardy accused Seacrest of years of sexual harassment, including grinding his penis against her and groping her vagina.

Despite the allegations, Seacrest was ultimately cleared of any misconduct by E!

However, it didn’t help his image as E! went into crisis mode just before the Oscars. Seacrest was not only placed on a 30-second delay, but only interviewed 21 celebs on the red-carpet interactions.

This article originally appeared on Page Six.