Justin Bieber crashes high school prom

What do you do when 21-year-old pop megastar Justin Bieber shows up at your prom? Chatsworth Charter High School in Los Angeles, Calif. can answer that.

WATCH: Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande and Kendall Jenner Lip Sync To Carly Ray Jepsen's 'I Really Like You'

What started out as just a regular old prom...

Forever changed when Justin himself showed up. In a fedora.

And Chatsworth parents, he very well may have danced with your kids.

Judging by the students' reactions, it was basically life changing.

Justin was appreciative that he got to finally go to prom. (Which might be the last thing he hadn't done).

Chatsworth was appreciative they got to have the prom to end all proms.

NEWS: 18 Biggest Moments From Comedy Central's Incredibly Brutal Justin Bieber Roast