Jocelyn 'Catwoman' Wildenstein reportedly arrested for clawing boyfriend

This New York socialite is known for leading an extravagant lifestyle-- including spending huge sums of money on countless plastic surgeries. Sadly, Jocelyn probably wishes she could buy her old face back. See more photos of Jocelyn at (

Jocelyn Wildenstein, the feline-featured socialite nicknamed “Catwoman,” was reportedly busted Wednesday morning for clawing her boyfriend in their posh Manhattan apartment, sources told The Post.

Wildenstein, 76, allegedly flew into a “violent rage” and scratched the face of fashion designer Lloyd Klein inside their apartment in Trump World Tower on 1st Avenue and East 47th Street around 1:30 a.m., the sources said.

She then grabbed a pair of scissors and slashed his chest, drawing blood, the sources continued.

Klein was forced to stuff Wildenstein inside a closet to prevent another rabid attack, sources said.

Police were called to the scene and hauled away Wildenstein on felony assault charges.

The Swiss-born Wildenstein spent millions of dollars on cosmetic surgeries to please her cat-loving, art-dealing husband, Alec Wildenstein, who died in 2008.

This article originally appeared in Page Six.