'Girls' star Jemima Kirke reveals her decision to have an abortion in PSA video

Cast member of the HBO show Girls Jemima Kirke arrives for the premiere of the third season of the show in New York January 6, 2014. (Reuters)

“Girls” actress Jemima Kirke is lending her voice to the Center for Reproductive Rights in a very personal way.

The 29-year-old mother of two appears in a new PSA in which she details getting an abortion while in college in 2007.

“I wasn’t sure that I wanted to be attached to this person for the rest of my life,” she revealed. “My life was not conducive to raising a healthy, happy child. I just didn’t feel it was fair.”

Kirke says she ultimately decided to terminate her pregnancy. She recalls not wanting to tell her mother — forcing her to clean out her bank account as well as get money from her boyfriend for the procedure.

“It’s these obstacles and this stigma that makes these things not completely unavailable. And that’s the tricky part, we do have free choice, and we are able to do whatever we want, but then there are these little hoops we have to jump through to get them.”

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